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Aged and Disabled Carers
Aged and Disabled Carers provide general household assistance, emotional support, care
and companionship for aged and disabled persons in their own homes.
A Certificate II or III, or at least 1 year of relevant experience, is usually needed to work in
this job. Around three in five workers have a Vocational Education and Training (VET)
qualification. Sometimes experience or on-the-job training is needed in addition to a
- accompanying aged and disabled persons during daily activities
- assisting clients with their mobility
- preparing food for clients
- arranging social activities
- performing housekeeping tasks such as vacuuming and cleaning
- assisting in personal hygiene and dressing
- providing companionship, friendship and emotional support
- may do shopping and run errands
- may live in with the person
Job Titles
- Aged or Disabled Carer, Personal Care Worker, or Personal Carer
Child Carers
Child Carers provide care and supervision for children in residential homes and non-
residential childcare centres.
A Certificate II or III, or at least 1 year of relevant experience, is usually needed to work in
this job. Sometimes experience or on-the-job training is needed in addition to a qualification.
For Child Care Workers, either a Certificate III or Diploma is required to meet Government
regulations. Registration or licensing may be required and additional certificates may also be
- assisting in the preparation of materials and equipment for childrens education and recreational activities
- social developing behaviour and guiding children
- preparing and conducting activities for children
- entertaining children by reading and playing games
- supervising children in recreational activities
- supervising the daily routine of children
- supervising the hygiene of children
Job Titles
- Child Care Worker
- Family Day Care Worker
- Nanny
- Out of School Hours Care Worker
- Hide tasks & specialisations
- Child Care Worker (also called Child Care Aide)
Provides care and supervision for children in programs, such as long day care and occasional
care, in childcare centres, hospitals and educational centres. Registration or licensing may be
Specialisations: Child Care Group Leader, Childrens Nursery Assistant, Creche Attendant,
Early Childhood Worker
Family Day Care Worker (also called Family Day Carer)
Provides care and supervision for babies and children, usually in the carers own home and
under local government or community-based schemes. Registration or licensing may be
Assists parents in the provision of ongoing care and supervision for babies and children,
usually in the childs home.
Out of School Hours Care Worker
Provides care for school age children in an out of school hours care program. Registration or
licensing may be required.
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers
Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teachers teach the basics of numeracy, literacy,
music, art and literature to early childhood (pre-primary) students and promote students'
social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.
A Bachelor Degree or higher is usually required. Two thirds of workers have a university
degree. Sometimes relevant experience or on-the-job training is also needed. Registration
with the relevant state or territory board of education may be required.
- planning and structuring learning in both indoor and outdoor environments using a variety of materials and equipment to facilitate students development
- promoting language development through story telling, role play, songs, rhymes and informalskills, confidence and understanding providing a variety of experiences and activities to develop motor skills, cooperative social discussions held individually and within groups
- observing students to evaluate progress and to detect signs of ill health, emotional disturbance and other disabilities
- observing nutritional health, welfare and safety needs of students and identifying factors which may impede students progress
- discussing students progress with parents
- attending parent interviews, and staff and committee meetings
- participating in community and family support programs as appropriate
- supervising student teachers on placement
Job Titles
- Kindergarten or Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher
- Preschool Director
Live in Care
Working as a Live in Carer is an opportunity to deliver person centred care, allowing people to live independent and fulfilling lives in their own homes.
- Help maintain connections with family, friends and the community, enabling clients to continue their hobbies and interests.
- Ensure the home environment is clean, organised, safe and comfortable.
- Assist with a wide range of domestic tasks including cooking, laundry, gardening and shopping, as well as helping with general administration of bills and keeping appointments.
- Support client with getting up and going to bed, mobility, personal hygiene, continence care, dressing, and where required, help taking medication.
- Available to provide support for 8 hours per day over a 24 hour period, 7 days per week.
Minimum required Qualifications:
- Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care/Home and Community Care)
- Current First Aid / CPR certificate
- Current driver’s licence
- Working with children check
- National Criminal History Record Check
- Smart Phone
You can commit to working shifts - mosts common are 5 days on 2 days off / 1 week on 1 week off / 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
Live in Carer Jobs
Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses
Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses provide nursing care to patients in hospitals, aged care and
other health care facilities and in the community, and assist parents in providing care to
newborn infants under the supervision of a Registered Nurse or Midwife.
An Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma, or at least 3 years of relevant
experience is usually needed, with the majority of workers having a Vocational Education
and Training (VET) qualification. Even with a qualification, experience or on-the-job training
is usually needed. Registration or licensing is required.
- assessing, planning and implementing nursing care for patients according to accepted nursing practice and standards
- providing interventions, treatments and therapies such as administering medications, and monitoring responses to treatments and care plans
- assisting Registered Nurses and other team members to coordinate and evaluate care provided
- promoting and assisting in health education activities for the prevention of ill health bathing, feeding, changing and settling newborn infants
- providing advice and training on infant care to parents of newborn infants
- providing emotional support to parents of newborn infants
Job Titles?
- Enrolled Nurse
- Mothercraft Nurse
Provides nursing care to patients in a variety of health, aged care, welfare and community
settings under the supervision of Registered Nurses. Registration or licensing is required.
Provides care to newborn infants, and provides advice and training on infant care to parents
of newborn infants. Registration or licensing is required.
Nursing Support, Personal Care Workers and Assistant In Nursing
Nursing Support and Personal Care Workers provide assistance, support and direct care to
patients in a variety of health, welfare and community settings.
A Certificate II or III, or at least 1 year of relevant experience, is usually needed to work in
this job. Around half workers have Certificate III or higher Vocational Education and
Training (VET) qualification. Sometimes experience or on-the-job training is needed in
addition to a qualification. Registration or licensing may be required.
- assisting patients with their personal care needs such as showering, dressing and eating
- assisting patients with their mobility and communication needs
- participating in planning the care of individuals
- following therapy plans such as interventions to assist those with dementia and behavioural problems
- observing and reporting changes in patients condition, and reporting complaints about care
- assisting with rehabilitation exercises, basic treatment and delivering medications
- providing direct support and assistance to therapists
Job Titles
- Hospital Orderly, or Wardsperson
- Nursing Support Worker
- Personal Care Assistant
- Hospital Orderly, or Wardsperson (also called Patient Services Assistant)
Assists with the provision of care to patients in a hospital by ensuring wards are neat and
tidy, lifting and turning patients and transporting them in wheelchairs or on movable beds,
and providing direct care and support.
Nursing Support Worker (also called Assistant in Nursing) - Provides limited patient care under the direction of nursing staff. Specialisations: Paramedical Aide
Personal Care Assistant - Provides routine personal care services to people in a range of health care facilities or in a
persons home.
Assists therapists in providing therapy programs and in the direct care of their patients in a
variety of health, welfare and community settings. Registration or licensing may be required.
Specialisations: Diversional Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist
Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapists assess functional limitations of people resulting from illnesses and
disabilities, and provide therapy to enable people to perform their daily activities and
A Bachelor Degree or higher is usually needed to work in this job. Registration or licensing is
- assessing clients emotional, psychological, developmental and physical capabilities using clinical observations and standardised tests
- functional potential in their home, leisure, work and school environments, assessing clients and recommending environmental adaptations to maximise their performance
- planning and directing programs through the use of vocational, recreational, remedial, social and educational activities on an individual and group basis
- providing advice to family members, carers, employers and teachers about adapting clients home, leisure, work and school environments
- providing adaptive equipment, such as wheel chairs and splints, to assist clients to overcome their functional limitations
- working with other Health Professionals in overall case management of clients
- working with other professionals in providing specialist advice to specific client groups such as those requiring driver rehabilitation, third-party compensation and medico-legal representation
- progress and maintaining professional relationships in accordance with recording clients
- relevant legislative requirements and ethical guidelines
Job Titles